French Onion Chicken Recipe

Gather ingredients: chicken breasts, caramelized onions, Gruyère cheese, and fragrant herbs.


Sizzle the seasoned chicken breasts in a hot pan until golden brown for that perfect sear.

Recipe Step 1

Slowly caramelize onions until golden brown, releasing sweet and savory flavors.

Recipe Step 2

Generously layer Gruyère cheese over the seared chicken, creating a gooey and delicious topping.

Recipe Step 3

Bake until the cheese is bubbly, and the chicken is cooked to juicy perfection.

Recipe Step 4

Sprinkle fresh herbs over the dish to add a burst of aromatic goodness.

Recipe Step 5

Plate your French Onion Chicken with finesse, ready to impress even the most discerning palates.

Final Step

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